WB ANM GNM 2022: West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) will conduct OMR based Common Entrance Test WBJEE ANM GNM 2022 for admission in various Colleges/ Institutes in the State of West Bengal for the academic session 2022-23 into two years Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery (Revised) courses and three years General Nursing & Midwifery course. In this test, Questions will come from life sciences, physics, arithmetic, English, general knowledge. More important information about this test (WB ANM GNM 2022) is given below. Applicants should read each and every piece of information (Exam Dates, Syllabus, Question Pattern, Eligibility Criteria, Time, etc.) before applying for this examination.
WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam Dates And Time
All dates are tentative and can be changed in extraordinary circumstances.
Activity | Date & Time |
Online application with payment of fees | 11.01.22 (Tuesday) to 28.01.22 (Friday) 6 p.m. |
Online correction and downloading revised confirmation page | 29.01.22 (Saturday) to 31.01.22 (Monday) |
Publication of Downloadable Admit Card | 02.06.22 (Thursday) (tentative) to 12.06.22 (Sunday) |
Date of Examination: Session-I Session-II | 11.06.22 (Saturday) & 12.06.22 (Sunday) 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. |
Publication of Results | To be notified later |
Eligibility Criteria & Age Limit for appearing in ANM GNM 2022 Exam
(i) The applicant must be a citizen of India.
(ii) The applicant must have passed OR must be appearing in 2022 in class 12 examination in (10+2) system only.
(iii) The applicant’s age must be at least 17 (seventeen) years as of 31.12.2022 i.e., the applicant should have been born on or before 31.12.2005.
Criteria | ANM(R) | GNM |
1. Gender | Only Female | Male/Female |
2. Maximum age | 35 years as on 31.12.22 | 35 years as of 31.12.22 (No upper age bar for ANMs except WB State Govt. employees, who have to follow the Govt. TR rules) |
3. Residence | Must be a permanent resident of West Bengal uninterruptedly for at least the last five years till 31.12.2021 and she must be a permanent resident of a Gram Panchayet area. | Must be a permanent resident of West Bengal uninterruptedly for at least the last five years till 31.12.2021. |
4. Minimum educational qualification | Must pass ‘10+2’ examination with English as one of the subjects from any recognized Board in regular class mode. | (i) Must pass ‘10+2’ examination from any recognized Board in regular class mode with at least 40% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in English. OR (ii) Must be a registered ANM (with pass mark). OR (iii) Must pass ‘10+2’ examination from any recognized Board in Vocational Stream-Health Care Sc. with English and with at least 40% marks in aggregate. |
5. Language | Must be able to read,write and express in Bengali and/or Nepali | Must be able to read, write and express in Bengali and/or Nepali |
WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam Pattern & Marks Distribution
- Mode Of Exam- Offline (OMR Based)
- Duration- 1 ½ Hour
- Total No. of Questions -100
- Total Marks – 115
- Type Of Questions – Multiple Choise Question (MCQ)
Subject | Category-1 Each Q carries 1 mark (-ve marks = -1/4) | Category-2 Each Q carries 2 marks (No -ve marks) | Total No. of Questions | Total Marks |
No. of Questions | No. of Questions | |||
Life Science | 30 | 10 | 40 | 50 |
Physical Science | 15 | 5 | 20 | 25 |
English | 15 | – | 15 | 15 |
Mathematics | 10 | – | 10 | 10 |
General Knowledge | 10 | – | 10 | 10 |
Logical reasoning | 5 | – | 5 | 5 |
Total | 100 | 115 |
WB ANM GNM 2022 Admit Card
The date of Publication of admit card is 02.06.22 (Thursday) (tentative) to 12.06.22 (Sunday). Candidates are requested to download and take a print of his/her to admit cards. Candidates should keep the admit card very carefully. If the admit card is torn or damaged in any way, it will not be accepted for examination.
How to Apply For WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fill the online Application form. It is hoped that this will be great beneficial to the candidates.
Step-1:The very first step the candidate needs to do is to click on the link provided below.
Step-2:The candidate clicks on the link <New Candidate Registration> to proceed further.
Step-3: After clicking on the New Candidate Registration tab, a page will appear where the general instructions are given. candidate must read the instructions carefully. After going through the instructions, the candidate has to click on <I Agree> to proceed further.
Step-4: After clicking the ‘I Agree’ button a page appears where the candidates have to input their personal details i.e. Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s name, date of birth, Gender, Identification type such as Voter Id, school Id card, valid Mobile no, Valid email Id etc. Finally, he/she has to create his/her own password and click on SUBMIT to go on to the next step.
Step-5: Once he/she clicks on the above-mentioned Submit button, a page appears wherein he/she has to click on <Yes> to proceed further.
Step-6: After clicking on the above Yes button, then a page will appear. The candidate can either click on<Edit> if he/she wants to modify or change any data OR can click into <Final Submit> option.
Step-7: Once the candidate clicks on <Final Submit>, a page will appear. The page shows that the registration is complete. The candidate can view his registration form. An application number is generated. Now he can continue to fill the application form or log out to do the rest later.
Step-8: Once the candidate clicks on the Fill Application Form, a page will appear wherein he/she has to fill the entire application Form.
Here the information in the upper part is taken from the system based on the information that he entered during the registration. So, the candidate need not take any action. He has to input Nationality, Domicile, Religion, Category, subcategory (if any), other information, Qualifying Examination etc.
Step-9: After filling the entire application form, the candidate needs to click on <Save & Next> to continue further.
Step-10: Once the candidate clicks on the above <Save & Next > blue tab, the following message will be shown wherein he/she has to click on <Yes> to go to the next step.
Step-11: After completion of the above procedure, a page will appear where the candidate needs to input all academic scores.
Here the candidate needs to input passing year, Board, Institute address, Full Marks and obtained marks scored in 12th.
The candidate then can either click on <Save & Next> or can click on <Previous> to go back and modify or correct the previous page.
Step-12: As soon as he /she clicks on the <Save & Next> blue tab, once again a confirmation message will be shown asking whether the candidate wants to save his/her current record. The candidate has to click on Yes to continue further.
Step-13: The next step that the candidate has to do is to fill the <Correspondence Address>. If the correspondence address is the same as <Permanent Address>, then he/she can simply click on the checkbox and again choose Save & Next option.
Step-14: Once the above step is completed, the following page appears, wherein he/she has to select the State and Exam centre choice according to his/her preference.
The candidate then can either click on <Save & Next> to proceed further or <Previous> if he/she wants to modify or change any input.
Step -15: After the <save and next> button is clicked, the next step asks for the Upload of the Photograph and Signature of the candidates as shown below where he/she has to choose the image and signature with the following specifications.
Step-16: As soon as the Photograph and Signature are uploaded, in the next step the candidate is required to click on the Self Verified check box and click on <Save Finally & Next>.
Step-17: After clicking on <Save finally & Next>, The candidate needs to click on the declaration checkbox and then click on <Save & Final Submit> to proceed onto the next step.
Step-18: In the next step a confirmation message will be shown. Once the candidate clicks on <Yes>, no further changes can be made.
Step-19: In the next step, the following page appears where the candidate needs to click on <Pay registration fees>. After clicking on <Pay registration fees>, a page is shown wherein the candidate has to click on Online Payment and Pay fees. The amount of Registration fees is Rs.400 for General Category and Rs.300 for Reserved Category candidates.
Step-20: The candidate is required to click on <Download Confirmation Page> as highlighted in the green tab.
Application Fee For WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam
(i) The Examination Fees can be paid by Net Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card only.
(ii) Application fee for the examination is Rs 300 (Rupees three hundred only) for SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/Orphan candidates and Rs 400 (Rupees four hundred only) for all other candidates, plus the Bank’s service charges as applicable.
Rules for Uploading Image
Image Format | JPG/JPEG |
Image Size | recent colour photograph (20 to 200kB) |
Signature Format | JPG/JPEG |
Signature Size | 20kB to 200kB |
Other Document (certificate/mark sheet etc.) Size | 50 kB to 300kB |
WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam Syllabus
- Life Science, Physical Science, Mathematics will be based on the 10th standard syllabi of recognised boards/Councils in India.
- English, General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning will be equivalent to the 12th standard curriculum.
How to Prepare for WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam(ANM GNM 2022 Mock Test).
Examiners need to work hard to get good results and prepare smartly to get a brilliant rank. Here are some important preparation tips for WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam.
(i) Every candidate should first check the examination syllabus and Question pattern thoroughly.
(ii) After reading each subject well, the candidates should solve last year’s question of that subject.
(iii) Before starting preparation candidates are requested to check the question pattern, Previous year paper, Marks Distribution.
(iv) The more mock tests participants take, the better their results will be. Very soon a lot of important mock tests for this exam will be available on our website. So candidates are requested to visit our website regularly to get the important mock tests.
(v) On our Website we provide Madhyamik Mock Test For All subjects. Candidates can participate in these mock tests for the preparation of Mathematics, Life Science and Physical Science (Class IX and X level).
Important Links That Can Help For WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam Preparation
Important Books For WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam
Name Of The Books | Author | Publications |
General Nursing and Midwifery Entrance Examination 2021 | Arihant Experts | Arihant Publication India Limited |
Santra Anm (R) Gnm Entrance Organizer | Dr. Dulal Chandra Santra | Santra Publication Pvt Ltd |
Chhaya A.N.M(R) & G.N.M Challenger | Chhaya Prakashani | Chhaya Prakashani |
ANM(R) & GNM Guide Book | Goutam Kumar Bose ,Alok Maity | Tapati Publishers |
ANM & GNM | Gourdas Saha | Parul Prakashani |
Important Documents (Download PDF) For WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam
All Information about ANM GNM 2022 |
Important Instructions for ANM GNM 2022 |
Rules Of The Examination |
Examination Zone |
Timetable for WB ANM GNM 2022 |
Step of Application |
Important Rules For WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam
Here we discuss some important rules of the WB ANM GNM 2022 Exam. The rules that are discussed here should be memorized by the candidates. Those who memorize these rules well will not have any problem before participating in the exam.
(i) Candidates are advised to enter the examination centres at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the test.
(ii) Carry the following documents to enter the examination centre.
(a)A printed copy of admit card of ANM(R) & GNM-2022.
(b) A copy of the colour photograph as was uploaded during the online application.
(c) Any photo identity card in original such as Aadhaar card/ Pan card / Passport/ 10th standard admit card/ School – ID card/ Voter ID/ Ration Card with Photograph/ Bank Passbook with Photograph/ Any other Valid Govt. Identity card With Photograph.
(iii) Frisking may be carried out while entering the centre for checking prohibited objects.
(iv) Candidates are advised to take their seats at least 15 minutes before the test.
(v) No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall beyond the scheduled time of commencement of the test under any circumstance.
(vi) Candidates are not allowed to carry any written or printed material, calculator, pen, docu-pen, log table, wristwatch, any communication device like mobile phones etc. inside the examination hall. Any candidate found with such items will be reported against & his/her candidature will be summarily cancelled.
(vii) Write question booklet number & roll number at the appropriate places on the OMR. Wrong entry of question booklet number & roll number may lead to rejection of the OMR or wrong scoring, for which the Board will not remain responsible. If any candidate makes any mistake, he/she must not overwrite. Request the invigilator to strike it out & rewrite the correct numbers and put his/her signature.
(viii) Write your name in BLOCK LETTERS, name of the centre & put your signature in appropriate places on the OMR. Do not put any stray mark anywhere else; it may lead to rejection of OMR.
(ix) Check that your Roll number, photograph, the spelling of your name in the attendance sheet matches with those given in your admit card. If any correction is needed, bring it to the notice of the invigilator.
(x) Candidates must follow social distancing and other COVID-19 instructions as applicable.