Madhyamik English Grammar Mock Test Set-1|মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার মক টেস্ট সেট-১ঃ মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামারের এই মক টেস্টটি মাধ্যমিকের ছাত্রছাত্রীদের জন্য খুবই মূল্যবান একটি টেস্ট যা , WBBSE Class 10 -এর সিলেবাসের ওপর ভিত্তি করে তৈরি হয়েছে । প্রত্যেক ছাত্রছাত্রীর উচিত মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার ভালো প্র্যাকটিস করে এই মক টেস্টে অংশগ্রহণ করা ।এর ফলে তাদের আত্মবিশ্বাস বাড়বে এবং রেজাল্টও ভালো হবে ।মক টেস্টটি অভিজ্ঞ শিক্ষক-শিক্ষিকা দ্বারা তৈরি করা হয়েছে এর ফলে এই মক টেস্টটির প্রশ্নগুলি মাধ্যমিকের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ।এই মক টেস্টে 20 টি প্রশ্ন আছে । অধ্যায় ভিত্তিক এই মক টেস্টগুলো, তোমাদের পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতিতে অনেকটাই সাহায্য করবে,এই মক টেস্টটিতে প্রদত্ত প্রশ্নগুলি থেকে মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষায় কমন আসার চান্স 99%।মক টেস্টটি তোমাদের পছন্দ হলে Share করার অনুরোধ রইল ,ধন্যবাদ ।
Madhyamik English Grammar Mock Test Set-1|মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার মক টেস্ট সেট-১
Q1.At least 36 passengers of a bus ______(Belonging/belong/belonged) to North Bengal State transport corporation _________(Was drowning/drowned/has been drowned) after it__________ (lost/was lost/had lost) control and crashed into the concrete ralings of a bridge.
- Belong, was dwowning,had lost
- Belonging, drowned ,lost
- Belonged, Was drowning, was lost
- Belong, dworned , was lost
Belonging, drowned ,lost
Q2. Our headmaster will distribute the prizes among the students. Choose the correct phrasal verb of ‘distribute’
- take after
- give away
- bring out
- bring up
give away
Q3. The child was reared by her aunt. Choose the correct Phrasal Verb of ‘reared’.
- give in
- give over
- brought up
- take after
brought up
Madhyamik English Grammar Mock Test Set-1|মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার মক টেস্ট সেট-১ |
Q4. The School magazine will be published very soon. Choose the correct Phrasal Verb of ‘published’.
- brought out
- come round
- run after
- make out
brought out
Q5.Gandhiji fought ________ the freedom of our country.
- By
- In
- Of
- For
Q6.printing Bengali texts in Roman script gives them a chance ________ read Bengali books.
- for
- by
- to
- into
Q7.Has ______ postman bought any letter for me today ?
- a
- an
- the
- he
Q8. After he finished _______ (read/reading/has read) it, his eyes ________ (looked/look/looking) as if he ________ (crying/ had been crying/cry).
- read , looking, cry
- has read, look, had been crying
- reading , looked ,had been crying
- read, looking, crying
Reading , looked ,had been crying
Q9. I did not understand what she said. Choose the orrect Phrasal Verb of ‘understand’.
- come round
- run after
- make out
- call in
make out
Madhyamik English Grammar Mock Test Set-1|মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার মক টেস্ট সেট-১ |
Q10. He will recover soon. Choose the correct Phrasal Verb of ‘Recover’.
- come round
- put on
- put off
- turn down
come round
Q11. the police chased the thief.Choose the correct Phrasal Verb of ‘Chased’.
- caled in
- Ran after
- looked upon
- came across
Ran after
Q12. Tutankhamen was __________ Egyptian king who ruled well ______ a vast area.He was very young when he became _____ king.
- an , in , a
- an,over , the
- an , into , the
- a , by , a
an,over , the
Q13. Minara begum, who ________ (was coaching/has been coaching/is coaching) national level gymnasts for 30 years ,________ (is surprised /has been surprised/was surprised) to receive a call from parent soon after deepa karmakar _______(will finish/was finished/finished) fourth in the Olympics.
- has been coaching, was surprised, finished
- coaching, is surprised, was finished
- is coaching, was surprised, finished
- coaching, has been surpised , will finish
Has been coaching, was surprised, finished
Q14. Doctors need to learn to communicate _____ patients.
- by
- in
- a
- with
Madhyamik English Grammar Mock Test Set-1|মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার মক টেস্ট সেট-১ |
Q15. He promised to compensate for the loss. Choose the correct Phrasal verb for ‘compensate’.
- make up
- take away
- carry on
- turn down
make up
Q16. Strong wind extinguished the lamp. Choose the correct Phrasal Verb for ‘extinguished’.
- made up
- called out
- came about
- put out
put out
Q17. Bankim Chandra is ______ Scott of Bengal.
- in
- the
- an
- of
Q18. The girl resembles her mother. Choose the correct Phrasal Verb of ‘resembles’.
- put on
- put off
- take after
- bring up
take after
Q19. He has caused his own ruin. Choose the corect Phrasal Verb of ’caused’ .
- brought about
- took after
- looked after
- break up
brought about
Q20. I met Subham at his residence.Choose the correct Phrasal Verb of ‘met’.
- look upon
- call at
- bring about
- came across
came across