Madhyamik English Grammar Mock Test Set-2|মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার মক টেস্ট সেট-২ঃমাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামারের এই মক টেস্টটি মাধ্যমিকের ছাত্রছাত্রীদের জন্য খুবই মূল্যবান একটি টেস্ট যা , WBBSE Class 10 -এর সিলেবাসের ওপর ভিত্তি করে তৈরি হয়েছে । প্রত্যেক ছাত্রছাত্রীর উচিত মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার ভালো প্র্যাকটিস করে এই মক টেস্টে অংশগ্রহণ করা ।এর ফলে তাদের আত্মবিশ্বাস বাড়বে এবং রেজাল্টও ভালো হবে ।মক টেস্টটি অভিজ্ঞ শিক্ষক-শিক্ষিকা দ্বারা তৈরি করা হয়েছে এর ফলে এই মক টেস্টটির প্রশ্নগুলি মাধ্যমিকের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ।এই মক টেস্টে 20 টি প্রশ্ন আছে । অধ্যায় ভিত্তিক এই মক টেস্টগুলো, তোমাদের পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতিতে অনেকটাই সাহায্য করবে,এই মক টেস্টটিতে প্রদত্ত প্রশ্নগুলি থেকে মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষায় কমন আসার চান্স 99%।মক টেস্টটি তোমাদের পছন্দ হলে Share করার অনুরোধ রইল ,ধন্যবাদ ।
Madhyamik English Grammar Mock Test Set-2|মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার মক টেস্ট সেট-২
Q1. KFC _______ (found/was founded /founded) by Colonel Harland Sanders .Harland Sanders ___________ (is born/was born / born)in 1890 and raised on a farm near Louisville,Kentucky. When Sanders was five years old , his father ________ (dies /was died /died).
- Found, is born , dies
- Was founded , was born , died
- Founded , born , died
- Was founded , born , was died
Was founded , was born , died
Q2. _______ aim of Kanyashree Prakalpa is _________ help backward families _______ cash so that they do not get their daughters married before 18 years.
- An , into , by
- The , with , in
- The , to ,with
- A , an , over
The , to ,with
Q3. He wore a white shirt. Choose the correct phrasal verb of wore.
- put on
- put off
- turned down
- came round
Put on
Madhyamik English Grammar Mock Test Set-2|মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার মক টেস্ট সেট-২ |
Q4. The thief escape with my cash – box.Choose the correct phrasal verb of escape.
- give in
- give over
- bring down
- get away
get away
Q5.The headmaster rejects the application of the students. Choose the correct phrasal verb of reject.
- turn down
- carry on
- come at
- take away
turn down
Q6. Proper treatment can recover the paitient. Choose the correct phrasal verb of recover.
- take away
- carry on
- come round
- turn down
come round
Q7. The prizes were distributed by the president.Choose the correct phrasal verb of distributed.
- given away
- made out
- called for
- made up
given away
Q8. when my grandfather gave me ________ one rupee coin . I put it _________ my pocket and decided _____ keep it with me as my lucky coin.
- an , in , to
- a , into , to
- the , in , by
- for , in , to
a , into , to
Q9. Teaching now a days ______ ( becomes/is becoming/ has become) a very attract tive profession.Many meritorious students ________ (take /are taking/taken) teaching as their profession . they know that a teacher _______ (has built/is building/ has been building) the backbone of his country.
- becomes , take , has been building
- has become , are taking , is building
- is becoming, taken , has built
- has become , taken , has been building
has become , are taking , is building
Madhyamik English Grammar Mock Test Set-2|মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার মক টেস্ট সেট-২ |
Q10. I was invited _________ tea by his mother.
- For
- To
- with
- in
Q11. I found ________ book last night _______ book is very useful.
- a,the
- the , the
- an , the
- a, an
Q12. We should always follow _____ good and love _________ beautiful.
- a , the
- an , the
- the , a
- the , the
The , the
Q13. The old house is being offered _______ sale.
- for
- by
- on
- in
Q14.The train halted ________ Kolkata main station.
- in
- on
- at
- by
Q15. Have You ever been _______ Mexico ?
- in
- on
- by
- to
Q16. I forgot my umbrella _______ the bus.
- onto
- by
- on
- into
Q17. It (had been/was/is) an agonising walk . Thousands silently ( watched /were watching/had watched) the procession . Bapu lay on an open truck (covering/covered/had covered) with flowers.
- is , were watching , had covered
- was ,watched , covered
- is, had watched , had covered
- had been , watching , covering
was ,watched , covered
Madhyamik English Grammar Mock Test Set-2|মাধ্যমিক ইংরাজি গ্রামার মক টেস্ট সেট-২ |
Q18. I cannot remember the answer. Choose the correct phrasal verb of REMEMBER.
- put up
- turn up
- set up
- call up
call up
Q19. In Puri we stayed in a big hotel. Choose the correct phrasal verb of STAYED.
- turned down
- put up
- tooe after
- gave up
put up
Q20. You should save money for future use. Choose the correct phrasal verb of SAVE.
- take away
- carry on
- come round
- lay by
lay by